Monday, July 22, 2013

Deep Thoughts with Joshua...

It's hard to permanently remove people from your life. Even though it may be completely necessary...there is always the hope that they will be the person that they were when they were special to you. Now how life really works, but there is always the hope that they wake up and see what it is they are forcing you to do.

Had to bust out out the block and delete buttons across many a social network today and even take the extraordinary measure of blocking numbers so they cannot call my phone anymore. Kind of ironic that in 12 months she went from being the person in life I cared about most to the person I can no longer fucking deal with.

And  I press enter and it is done. She has no way to contact me anymore. The lesson here is this you cannot compromise your morals for anyone or anything. Once you start down that path whatever the ultimate goal was becomes corrupted.

I have often said that I would not go back and change anything about me or the things I have done, this situation might be the only exception. It is probably the thing I feel worst about...

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