Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Deep thoughts with Joshua....

Yesterday was kind of a tough day. I had to go coach my two tball teams and tball kids are 4-6 years old so it requires a lot of focus. As a baseball coach I tend to be pretty loud. I tend to be a little aggressive and its not that I yell at kids but I motivate them. I am loud, but yesterday not as much. Yesterday it was hard to find that place inside me, and even though the kids were a little wild I stood there at home plate with the biggest smile on my face.

The first reason for that is I had just had the best weekend, with the best chick ever. The second reason is the entire world had found out that we were dating and all of my baseball parents, friends, and all the rest kept walking up to me saying congrats and all that. The entire time I should have been thinking about baseball I was thinking about her. Not in a bad way, but in a wow I am truly the luckiest guy on earth kinda way.

One of my parents even said, 'Hey I don't think you yelled at the kids once today.' All I could say is so not in the mood for yelling just in a great mood and nothing can take that away. My great mood was reinforced when I got home sat at my desk exhausted from the day and wet with rain and she called and my mild annoyance with some baseball drama was instantly wiped away by the sound of her voice.

As I sit her and right this, thinking about her I cannot help but smile.

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